Akata Witch (5 points)
I can say for a fact I was never a fan of Harry Potter. I loved magic and all sorts of fantasy, but I always regarded Harry Potter as, well, trash. I know Rowling was the first to do a lot of things, but she was way over-glorified for my liking. Praised as a female writer, and promoter of women, yet stars a male child who's story is just a copy of old Greeco-Roman myths. Love triangle and drama, it was clearly meant for children with no idea what life is like. Even if magic were real, it paints a very perfect image of how cleanly things are tied up. So, if I hated Harry Potter this much, what did I think Akata Witch had to offer? If I could have ever got off the "this is just Harry Potter" part I would have seen the other stuff sooner. It had unique aspects, juju instead of mana, rituals, sacrifices, murder mystery, racial and gender discrimination. And was I impressed? Unfortunately, not at all. Reimagining your own magic system is a feat in itself, but when some of the...